Some Photographic Works
Nutshells, 6 color prints, 20×30 cm, 2011
This work has been done during the workshop Analytical anima(l), with the artist and photographer Olivier Richon, concerning animals and their representation. The workshop took place in a big farm, with a big enclosure in the middle where we can photograph the animals.
Actually during the afternoon, I got lost, and found myself walking on a white road and along a little river, the border of the farm. It was very hot and I was thirsty and hungry, and, instead of photographing animals, I discovered myself and my camera acting like a little animal in search for food (roadside nuts) and water.
Genoa, July 2001, analogue color photographs, 2011
In July 2001 the italian city of Genoa hosted the G8 summit and a dramatic protest against the Group of Eight’s legitimacy and authority. At that time I was part of a student group sharing most of the issues raised by the antiglobal movement, and we took part to the protest. It was the first time I experienced the violence as intrinsic of modern democracies foundation and organization: since then I’ve changed my way of thinking, no more being able to view the power authority (whatever it is) as legitimate, and I realized the necessity to find other places of action, deserting those where I was expected to stand. Ten years later, remembering those days and the hot road asphalt, I find myself staring at the ground, feeling an increasingly pression on my back, realizing clearly to be subjected to gravity, slowly approaching the ground as if I were carrying a huge weight. This forced position, resembling the one the police dictated to the protestors, allows me to see the ground in all its physical presence.
Passer le temps, my own private Godot, 2 color photographies, 2011
ESTRAGON:(despairingly). Ah! (Pause.) You’re sure it was here? VLADIMIR: What? E: That we were to wait. V: He said by the tree. (They look at the tree.) Do you see any others? E: What is it? V: I don’t know. A willow.
S. Beckett – Waiting for Godot
In Beckett’s piece Waiting for Godot a willow tree is the only presence marking the space where Godot is expected to come. Moreover this tree is, in the same vague way, a sign of time by its changing foliage according to seasons. My camera and I came back two different times to look at a willow tree, to experience the same concept of time of the theater piece, a time that is not a linear progression but, through variation and repetition, is more concerned with a spacial permutation, where different configurations of the elements and their spacing defines the rythm.
“The altered sameness” obtained by looking at the willow tree once and again (“Next day. Same time. Same place, You again!”) and the spacing between the two images shot is my personal restaging of the piece’s sense of time.